How to earn money from Facebook
You can easily earn money through your content through Facebook page
what is Facebook
We also call Facebook PageFanPage. Facebook Page can be about any subject or person, such as actor, politician, company, business or any other subject, by creating your Facebook Page , give your thoughts, photos, routine or any other important information.
how earn form Facebook page
earn money from Facebook, you should have a Facebook page on your Facebook profile, you will now be able to monetize it by uploading a video on that page, then the ad will come on that video and you will get money for the same ad.
Facebook has started this program to compete with YouTube, just like you earn by uploading videos on YouTube and monetizing, in the same way you will be able to earn by uploading videos by joining Facebook Watch.
To monetize your channel on YouTube, you have to complete 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers in the last one year, but on Facebook you have to work a little more..
How to Monetize Your Facebook Page
To monetize videos on Facebook page, your page should have 10000 or more followers and all the videos you have uploaded should have 30000 views in the last 60 days including all those videos.
Here the view will be counted only when your video is viewed for at least 1 minute or more, if someone clicks on your video and comes back after watching less than a minute, then it will be counted in the view. will not be done.
Keep in mind that the size of the video uploaded by you on your Facebook page should be at least 3 minutes, the video of less than 3 minutes is not monetized.